Thursday, April 7, 2022

Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython, access LSM303(Accelerometer/Magnetometer) and L3GD20(Gyroscope)

The 10DOF module used in this exercise integrated with:
- LSM303DLHC Accel/Mag
- L3GD20 Gyroscope
- BMP180 Temp/Baro

Prepare Libraries:
Visit to download matched CircuitPython Library Bundle. Copy needed libraries to CircuitPython device /lib folder.

for LSM303(Accelerometer/Magnetometer), test LSM303 Accelerometer.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

""" Display inclination data five times per second """

import time
from math import atan2, degrees
import board
import adafruit_lsm303_accel
import busio

i2c = busio.I2C(SCL,SDA)  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
sensor = adafruit_lsm303_accel.LSM303_Accel(i2c)

def vector_2_degrees(x, y):
    angle = degrees(atan2(y, x))
    if angle < 0:
        angle += 360
    return angle

def get_inclination(_sensor):
    x, y, z = _sensor.acceleration
    return vector_2_degrees(x, z), vector_2_degrees(y, z)

while True:
    angle_xz, angle_yz = get_inclination(sensor)
    #print("XZ angle = {:6.2f}deg   YZ angle = {:6.2f}deg".format(angle_xz, angle_yz))
    print(angle_xz, angle_yz)

act as IMU USB Mouse, read LSM303 Accelerometer and report as mouse movement., test LSM303 Magnetometer.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

""" Display compass heading data five times per second """
import time
from math import atan2, degrees
import board
import adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag
import busio

i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
sensor = adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag.LSM303DLH_Mag(i2c)

def vector_2_degrees(x, y):
    angle = degrees(atan2(y, x))
    if angle < 0:
        angle += 360
    return angle

def get_heading(_sensor):
    magnet_x, magnet_y, _ = _sensor.magnetic
    return vector_2_degrees(magnet_x, magnet_y)

while True:
    print("heading: {:.2f} degrees".format(get_heading(sensor)))
    time.sleep(0.2), verify connection/function of st7789.
Example of CircuitPython/RaspberryPi Pico
to display on 1.54" IPS 240x240 (RGB) screen
with ST7789 driver via SPI interface.

Connection between Pico and
the IPS screen, with ST7789 SPI interface.
3V3  - BLK (backlight, always on)
GP11 - CS
GP12 - DC
GP13 - RES
GP15 - SDA
GP14 - SCL
3V3  - VCC

import os
import sys
import board
import time
import terminalio
import displayio
import busio
from adafruit_display_text import label
import adafruit_st7789

info = sys.implementation[0] + ' ' + \
       os.uname()[3] + '\n' + \
       'run on ' + os.uname()[4]
print(adafruit_st7789.__name__ + " version: " + adafruit_st7789.__version__)

# Release any resources currently in use for the displays

tft_cs = board.GP11
tft_dc = board.GP12
tft_res = board.GP13
spi_mosi = board.GP15
spi_clk = board.GP14

display_width = 240
display_height = 240

classbusio.SPI(clock: microcontroller.Pin,
                MOSI: Optional[microcontroller.Pin] = None,
                MISO: Optional[microcontroller.Pin] = None)
spi = busio.SPI(spi_clk, MOSI=spi_mosi)

display_bus = displayio.FourWire(
    spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, reset=tft_res

display = adafruit_st7789.ST7789(display_bus,
                    width=display_width, height=display_height,

# Make the display context
splash = displayio.Group()

color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(display_width, display_height, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = 0xFF0000

bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap,
                               pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0)

# Draw a smaller inner rectangle
inner_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(133, 238, 1)
inner_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
inner_palette[0] = 0x0000FF
inner_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(inner_bitmap,
                                  pixel_shader=inner_palette, x=1, y=1)

info1 = sys.implementation[0] + ' ' + os.uname()[2]
info2 = 'run on ' + os.uname()[4]

# Draw a label
text_group1 = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=5, y=40)
text1 = info1
text_area1 = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text1, color=0xFFFFFF)
text_group1.append(text_area1)  # Subgroup for text scaling

# Draw a label
text_group2 = displayio.Group(scale=1, x=5, y=70)
text2 = info2
text_area2 = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text2, color=0xFFFFFF)
text_group2.append(text_area2)  # Subgroup for text scaling

# Draw a label
text_group3 = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=5, y=100)
text3 = adafruit_st7789.__name__
text_area3 = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text3, color=0xFF0000)
text_group3.append(text_area3)  # Subgroup for text scaling
# Draw a label
text_group4 = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=5, y=130)
text4 = adafruit_st7789.__version__
text_area4 = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text4, color=0x00FF00)
text_group4.append(text_area4)  # Subgroup for text scaling


color_palette[0] = 0x00FF00

for c in range(00, 0xFF):
    col = ((0xFF-c)*0x0100) + c
    color_palette[0] = col    
color_palette[0] = 0x0000FF

for c in range(00, 0xFF):
    col = 0xFF-c
    color_palette[0] = col    
color_palette[0] = 0x000000

for c in range(00, 0xFF):
    col = (c * 0x010000) + (c*0x0100) + 0xFF
    inner_palette[0] = col    
inner_palette[0] = 0xFFFFFF

for c in range(0xFF, 0x00, -1):
    col = (c * 0x010000) + (c*0x0100) + c
    inner_palette[0] = col    
inner_palette[0] = 0x000000

print("~ bye ~"), read LSM303 Magnetometer, display on ST7789 in compass form.
Example of CircuitPython/RaspberryPi Pico
to display on 1.54" IPS 240x240 (RGB) screen
with ST7789 driver via SPI interface.

Read from lsm303dlh and display on ST7789 in compass form.

Connection between Pico and
the IPS screen, with ST7789 SPI interface.
3V3  - BLK (backlight, always on)
GP11 - CS
GP12 - DC
GP13 - RES
GP15 - SDA
GP14 - SCL
3V3  - VCC

Connection between Pico and 10DOF
3V3  - VIN
SCL  - GP9
SDA  - GP8


import os
import sys
import board
import time
import terminalio
import displayio
import busio
from adafruit_display_text import label
from import Circle
from adafruit_display_shapes.line import Line
import adafruit_st7789
from math import sin, cos, radians
from math import atan2, degrees
import adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag
#import gc

info = sys.implementation[0] + ' ' + \
       os.uname()[3] + '\n' + \
       'run on ' + os.uname()[4]
print(adafruit_st7789.__name__ + " version: "
      + adafruit_st7789.__version__)
print(adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag.__name__ + " version: "
      + adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag.__version__)

# Release any resources currently in use for the displays

SDA = board.GP8
SCL = board.GP9
i2c_lsm303dlh = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)

sensor_lsm303dlh = adafruit_lsm303dlh_mag.LSM303DLH_Mag(i2c_lsm303dlh)

def vector_2_degrees(x, y):
    angle = degrees(atan2(y, x))
    if angle < 0:
        angle += 360
    return angle

def get_heading(_sensor):
    magnet_x, magnet_y, _ = _sensor.magnetic
    return vector_2_degrees(magnet_x, magnet_y)

tft_cs = board.GP11
tft_dc = board.GP12
tft_res = board.GP13
spi_mosi = board.GP15
spi_clk = board.GP14

display_width = 240
display_height = 240

spi = busio.SPI(spi_clk, MOSI=spi_mosi)

display_bus = displayio.FourWire(
    spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, reset=tft_res

display = adafruit_st7789.ST7789(display_bus,
                    width=display_width, height=display_height,

# Make the display context
splash = displayio.Group()

color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(display_width, display_height, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = 0x000000

bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap,
                               pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0)

cir_compass_cx = (int)(display_width/2)
cir_compass_cy = (int)(display_height/2)
cir_compass_r = 100
cir_compass = Circle(cir_compass_cx,

# Draw a label
labelDir_group = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=5, y=40)
textDir = "0"
labelDir = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=textDir, color=0xFFFFFF)

dir_line_x1 = cir_compass_cx
dir_line_y1 = cir_compass_cy - cir_compass_r
dir_line = Line(cir_compass_cx,

def drawDir(direction):
    global splach
    global dir_line
    global labelDir
    global display

    labelDir.text = str(direction)
    # depends on the alignmenet of your LSM303DLH and display
    dirOffset = -(direction - 180)
    x1 = (int)(cir_compass_cx +
               (cir_compass_r * cos(radians(dirOffset))))
    y1 = (int)(cir_compass_cy +
               (cir_compass_r * sin(radians(dirOffset))))

    dir_line = Line(cir_compass_cx,

while True:
    d = get_heading(sensor_lsm303dlh)
print("~ bye ~")

For L3GD20(Gyroscope)

This video show how to run on Raspberry Pi Pico/CircuitPython to read L3GD20(Gyroscope), using modified adafruit_l3gd20 library.

Basically, this exercise modified from CircuiyPython Libraries example, but with two proglem:
- unmatched I2C address, it'seasy to fix by adding parameter of address.
- RuntimeError: bad chip id (d3 != d4 or d7)
  The accepted chip id is hard coded in adafruit_l3gd20 library. To fix it, I download the, edit to add my chip id and save as my custom library in CircuitPython device /lib folder., verify I2C devices.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""CircuitPython I2C Device Address Scan"""
# If you run this and it seems to hang, try manually unlocking
# your I2C bus from the REPL with
#  >>> import board
#  >>> board.I2C().unlock()

import time
import board
import busio

SDA = board.GP8
SCL = board.GP9
i2c = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)

# To use default I2C bus (most boards)
#i2c = board.I2C()

# To create I2C bus on specific pins
# import busio
# i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL1, board.SDA1)  # QT Py RP2040 STEMMA connector
# i2c = busio.I2C(board.GP1, board.GP0)    # Pi Pico RP2040

while not i2c.try_lock():

    while True:
            "I2C addresses found:",
            [hex(device_address) for device_address in i2c.scan()],

finally:  # unlock the i2c bus when ctrl-c'ing out of the loop
    i2c.unlock(), modified from adafruit_l3gd20 to add supporting of our chip id, save to CircuitPython device /lib folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Michael McWethy for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT



Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - L3GD20

This is a CircuitPython driver for the Bosch L3GD20 nine degree of freedom
inertial measurement unit module with sensor fusion.

* Author(s): Michael McWethy

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit `L3GD20H Triple-Axis Gyro Breakout Board <>`_

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:

* Adafruit's Register library:

# imports
from math import radians
from struct import unpack

from micropython import const
from adafruit_register.i2c_struct import Struct

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS = const(0)
L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS = const(1)
L3DS20_RANGE_2000DPS = const(2)

L3DS20_RATE_100HZ = const(0x00)
L3DS20_RATE_200HZ = const(0x40)
L3DS20_RATE_400HZ = const(0x80)
L3DS20_RATE_800HZ = const(0xC0)

_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1 = const(0x20)
_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4 = const(0x23)

# _L3GD20_REGISTER_OUT_X_L = const(0x28)
_L3GD20_REGISTER_OUT_X_L_X80 = const(0xA8)
_L3GD20_REGISTER_OUT_X_L_X40 = const(0x68)

_ID_REGISTER = const(0x0F)

_MY_L3GD20_CHIP_ID = const(0xD3)
_L3GD20_CHIP_ID = const(0xD4)
_L3GD20H_CHIP_ID = const(0xD7)

_L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS = 0.00875  ## Roughly 22/256 for fixed point match
_L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_500DPS = 0.0175  ## Roughly 45/256
_L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS = 0.070  ## Roughly 18/256

# pylint: disable=no-member
class L3GD20:
    Driver for the L3GD20 3-axis Gyroscope sensor.

    :param int rng: a range value one of:

                    * :const:`L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS`
                    * :const:`L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS`
                    * :const:`L3DS20_RANGE_2000DPS`

                    Defaults to :const:`L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS`

    :param int rate: a rate value one of

                    * :const:`L3DS20_RATE_100HZ`
                    * :const:`L3DS20_RATE_200HZ`
                    * :const:`L3DS20_RATE_400HZ`
                    * :const:`L3DS20_RATE_800HZ`

                    Defaults to :const:`L3DS20_RATE_100HZ`

    def __init__(self, rng=L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS, rate=L3DS20_RATE_100HZ):
        chip_id = self.read_register(_ID_REGISTER)
        if chip_id not in (_MY_L3GD20_CHIP_ID, _L3GD20_CHIP_ID, _L3GD20H_CHIP_ID):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "bad chip id (%x != %x, %x or %x)"
                % (chip_id, _MY_L3GD20_CHIP_ID, _L3GD20_CHIP_ID, _L3GD20H_CHIP_ID)

        if rng not in (L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS, L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS, L3DS20_RANGE_2000DPS):
            raise ValueError(
                "Range value must be one of L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS, "
                "L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS, or L3DS20_RANGE_2000DPS"

        # Set CTRL_REG1 (0x20)
        # ====================================================================
        # BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
        # ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
        # 7-6  DR1#0     Output data rate
        # 5-4  BW1#0     Bandwidth selection
        #     3  PD        0 = Power-down mode, 1 = normal#sleep mode
        #     2  ZEN       Z-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
        #     1  YEN       Y-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
        #     0  XEN       X-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)

        # Switch to normal mode and enable all three channels
        self.write_register(_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, rate | 0x0F)

        # Set CTRL_REG2 (0x21)
        # ====================================================================
        # BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
        # ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
        # 5-4  HPM1#0    High-pass filter mode selection
        # 3-0  HPCF3..0  High-pass filter cutoff frequency selection

        # Nothing to do ... keep default values
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------

        #  Set CTRL_REG3 (0x22)
        # ====================================================================
        # BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
        # ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
        #     7  I1_Int1   Interrupt enable on INT1 (0=disable,1=enable)
        #     6  I1_Boot   Boot status on INT1 (0=disable,1=enable)
        #     5  H-Lactive Interrupt active config on INT1 (0=high,1=low)
        #     4  PP_OD     Push-Pull#Open-Drain (0=PP, 1=OD)
        #     3  I2_DRDY   Data ready on DRDY#INT2 (0=disable,1=enable)
        #     2  I2_WTM    FIFO wtrmrk int on DRDY#INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)
        #     1  I2_ORun   FIFO overrun int on DRDY#INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)
        #     0  I2_Empty  FIFI empty int on DRDY#INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)

        #  Nothing to do ... keep default values
        #  -----------------------------------------------------------------

        #  Set CTRL_REG4 (0x23)
        # ====================================================================
        # BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
        # ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
        #     7  BDU       Block Data Update (0=continuous, 1=LSB#MSB)
        #     6  BLE       Big#Little-Endian (0=Data LSB, 1=Data MSB)
        # 5-4  FS1#0     Full scale selection
        #                                 00 = 250 dps
        #                                 01 = 500 dps
        #                                 10 = 2000 dps
        #                                 11 = 2000 dps
        #     0  SIM       SPI Mode (0=4-wire, 1=3-wire)

        # Adjust resolution if requested

        if rng == L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS:
            self.scale = _L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_250DPS
            self.write_register(_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x00)

        if rng == L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS:
            self.scale = _L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_500DPS
            self.write_register(_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x10)

        if rng == L3DS20_RANGE_2000DPS:
            self.scale = _L3GD20_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS
            self.write_register(_L3GD20_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x20)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Set CTRL_REG5 (0x24)
        # ====================================================================
        # BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
        # ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
        #     7  BOOT      Reboot memory content (0=normal, 1=reboot)
        #     6  FIFO_EN   FIFO enable (0=FIFO disable, 1=enable)
        #     4  HPen      High-pass filter enable (0=disable,1=enable)
        # 3-2  INT1_SEL  INT1 Selection config
        # 1-0  OUT_SEL   Out selection config

        # Nothing to do ... keep default values
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------

    def gyro(self):
        x, y, z angular momentum tuple floats, rescaled appropriately for
        range selected in rad/s
        raw = self.gyro_raw
        return tuple(radians(self.scale * v) for v in raw)

class L3GD20_I2C(L3GD20):
    Driver for L3GD20 Gyroscope using I2C communications

    :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the device is connected to
    :param int rng: range value. Defaults to :const:`0x68`
    :param int rate: rate value. Defaults to :const:`L3DS20_RATE_100HZ`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the device**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`L3GD20_I2C` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_l3gd20

        Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
            sensor = adafruit_l3gd20.L3GD20_I2C(i2c)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`gyro` attribute

        .. code-block:: python

            gyro_data = sensor.gyro


    gyro_raw = Struct(_L3GD20_REGISTER_OUT_X_L_X80, "<hhh")
    """Gives the raw gyro readings, in units of rad/s."""

    def __init__(
        self, i2c, rng=L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS, address=0x6B, rate=L3DS20_RATE_100HZ
        from adafruit_bus_device import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        self.i2c_device = i2c_device.I2CDevice(i2c, address)
        self.buffer = bytearray(2)
        super().__init__(rng, rate)

    def write_register(self, register, value):
        Update a register with a byte value

        :param int register: which device register to write
        :param value: a byte to write
        self.buffer[0] = register
        self.buffer[1] = value
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:

    def read_register(self, register):
        Returns a byte value from a register

        :param register: the register to read a byte
        self.buffer[0] = register
        with self.i2c_device as i2c:
            i2c.write_then_readinto(self.buffer, self.buffer, out_end=1, in_start=1)
        return self.buffer[1]

class L3GD20_SPI(L3GD20):
    Driver for L3GD20 Gyroscope using SPI communications

    :param ~busio.SPI spi_busio: The SPI bus the device is connected to
    :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut cs: digital in/out to use as chip select signal
    :param int rng: range value. Defaults to :const:`L3DS20_RANGE_250DPS`.
    :param baudrate: SPI baud rate. Defaults to :const:`100000`
    :param int rate: rate value. Defaults to :const:`L3DS20_RATE_100HZ`

    **Quickstart: Importing and using the device**

        Here is an example of using the :class:`L3GD20_SPI` class.
        First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

        .. code-block:: python

            import board
            import adafruit_l3gd20

        Once this is done you can define your `board.SPI` object and define your sensor object

        .. code-block:: python

            spi = board.SPI()
            sensor = adafruit_l3gd20.L3GD20_SPI(spi)

        Now you have access to the :attr:`gyro` attribute

        .. code-block:: python

            gyro_data = sensor.gyro


    def __init__(
    ):  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        from adafruit_bus_device import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        self._spi = spi_device.SPIDevice(spi_busio, cs, baudrate=baudrate)
        self._spi_bytearray1 = bytearray(1)
        self._spi_bytearray6 = bytearray(6)
        super().__init__(rng, rate)

    def write_register(self, register, value):
        Low level register writing over SPI, writes one 8-bit value

        :param int register: which device register to write
        :param value: a byte to write
        register &= 0x7F  # Write, bit 7 low.
        with self._spi as spi:
            spi.write(bytes([register, value & 0xFF]))

    def read_register(self, register):
        Low level register reading over SPI, returns a list of values

        :param register: the register to read a byte
        register = (register | 0x80) & 0xFF  # Read single, bit 7 high.
        with self._spi as spi:
            self._spi_bytearray1[0] = register
            # Uncomment to dump bytearray:
            # print("$%02X => %s" % (register, [hex(i) for i in self._spi_bytearray1]))
            return self._spi_bytearray1[0]

    def read_bytes(self, register, buffer):
        Low level register stream reading over SPI, returns a list of values

        :param register: the register to read bytes
        :param bytearray buffer: buffer to fill with data from stream
        register = (register | 0x80) & 0xFF  # Read single, bit 7 high.
        with self._spi as spi:
            self._spi_bytearray1[0] = register

    def gyro_raw(self):
        """Gives the dynamic rate raw gyro readings, in units rad/s."""
        buffer = self._spi_bytearray6
        self.read_bytes(_L3GD20_REGISTER_OUT_X_L_X40, buffer)
        return tuple(radians(x) for x in unpack("<hhh", buffer)), exercise to read L3GD20 using our library.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import time
import board
import my_l3gd20
import busio

SDA = board.GP8
SCL = board.GP9
# Hardware I2C setup:
I2C = busio.I2C(SCL, SDA)  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
# Initializes L3GD20 object using default range, 250dps
SENSOR = my_l3gd20.L3GD20_I2C(I2C, address=0x69)
# Initialize L3GD20 object using a custom range and output data rate (ODR).
# SENSOR = adafruit_l3gd20.L3GD20_I2C(
#    I2C, rng=adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS, rate=adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_200HZ
# )

# Possible values for rng are:
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_Range_250DPS, 250 degrees per second. Default range
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_Range_500DPS, 500 degrees per second
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_Range_2000DPS, 2000 degrees per second

# Possible values for rate are:
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_100HZ, 100Hz data rate. Default data rate
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_200HZ, 200Hz data rate
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_400HZ, 400Hz data rate
# adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_800HZ, 800Hz data rate

# Hardware SPI setup:
# import digitalio
# CS = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D5)
# SPIB = board.SPI()
# SENSOR = adafruit_l3gd20.L3GD20_SPI(SPIB, CS)
# SENSOR = adafruit_l3gd20.L3GD20_I2C(
#    SPIB,
#    CS,
#    rng=adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RANGE_500DPS,
#    rate=adafruit_l3gd20.L3DS20_RATE_200HZ,
# )

while True:
    #print("Angular Velocity (rad/s): {}".format(SENSOR.gyro))
    print(SENSOR.gyro[0], SENSOR.gyro[1], SENSOR.gyro[2])

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