Thursday, June 8, 2017

Mount Raspberry Pi Camera Module to telescope (with sample video of the Moon)

This video show how to connect Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module V2 to telescope, with sample video of the Moon at the end of the video.

- Raspberry Pi Camera Module (NoIR V2 shown in the video), with original lens removed.
Caution, removing the lens will void your warranty of the camera module.

- CCTV M12 (or S-mount) housing.
Plastic type, have to cut a little bit as shown:

Normally, the center-to-center distance of the mounting holes is 20mm or 22mm, it cannot be installed on Raspberry Pi Camera Module directly. I mount it with one screw on one hole, and fix it with cable tie on the another hole.

- M12 adapter for telescope.
May be it's the most difficult find parts. It have to mach with your telescope.

- Telescope
It's a 10+ years old small telescope (Bosma D = 90mm / f = 1200mm f/13.3)

Saturn@Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera V2/Nikkor AF 300mm f4
The Moon and Saturn@RPi NoIR Camera V2/Nikkor AF 300mm f4 - 2017-06-08